Redeemer Lutheran Church
Welcome in the Holy name of Jesus who has redeemed us from sin and death through His cross and resurrection!
Redeemer Lutheran Church is an LCMS congregation located in the Heart of Lubbock Neighborhood, 2221 Avenue W. We are pleased to offer a scriptural, traditional, and liturgical worship service to the praise and honor of our Lord Jesus Christ.
9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship and 10:45 a.m. Bible Class
Click here for the February 9th bulletin.
Click here for the February Newsletter.
Redeemer Lutheran Church celebrates the Lord’s Supper on the first and third Sundays of each month.
Before coming to Holy Communion, the Apostle St. Paul (as does Martin Luther in his Small Catechism) reminds us that each one should examine oneself, discerning rightly the Body and Blood of Christ in this Sacrament for the forgiveness of sins (1 Cor. 11:26-29). If you are not a confirmed member “in good standing” with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (i.e. a young unconfirmed Lutheran, a member of another church fellowship, have an unresolved matter, or living an open life style outside of God’s Commandments) please speak with the Pastor before approaching the altar; or, if you come up with other family member, please cross your hands over your heart indicating that the Pastor is to give you a verbal blessing.
The livestream of our Sunday service will be on our Facebook page. Afterward, you can see a replay there.
CHECK IT OUT: Lutheran Student Center Webpage

On June 26th, 2022 Pastor Charles Nemec was ordained and installed as our new pastor. In September 2023, his wife Christianna Nemec was called, also to Redeemer Lutheran Church, as a Deaconess.
Our local community outreach to those in need includes Mosaic, Neighborhood House, LWML, and Lutheran Social Services. Redeemer is pleased to present the Lutheran Hour Sunday mornings, 8:00 AM, on KFYO radio.